
We will be working in the Observable platform, which is like a web-hosted JavaScript version of Jupyter notebooks. The goal of these assignments is to get you started with coding with D3, the dominant JavaScript library for building interactive visualizations for the web.

All lab assignments are done individually. You are expected to adhere to the CS Department Honesty Policy and submit your own work. You may not share your work for these assignments with your classmates. It is otherwise acceptable to google and lookup how to write commands.

To start your lab homework, fork the assigned notebook under your personal Observable account, not as our team @columbiaviz-s22 account. Make sure you โ€œPublishโ€ your lab notebook using the Unlisted visibility settingโ€”your notebook should only be visible to someone with the link. Finally, I repeat: remember to fork!๐Ÿด Otherwise you will be editing the template directly and wonโ€™t have saving permissions. As a result you will lose your work!

To submit, publish your notebook and submit the โ€˜unlistedโ€™ Observable notebook url by Wednesday 11:59pm ET on the due date.

Lab 1: Shapes and Styles

Fork (remember to fork!๐Ÿด) from Lab 1 template.

Submit your Observable notebook url by Wednesday 2/2, 11:59pm ET.

Lab 2: Data Binding

Fork (remember to fork!๐Ÿด) from Lab 2 template.

Submit your Observable notebook url by Wednesday 2/9, 11:59pm ET.

Lab 3: Interactivity

Fork (remember to fork!๐Ÿด) from Lab 3 template.

Submit your Observable notebook url by Wednesday 2/24, 11:59pm ET.

Grading Criteria