A variety of useful toolkits have been designed to help support information visualization applications. Some include support for the full visualization pipeline from data to interactive graphics, while others focus only on a subset, typically graphics and interaction.
- D3 – A JavaScript library for data-driven DOM manipulation, interaction and animation. Includes utilities for visualization techniques and SVG generation.
- Vega – A declarative language for representing visualizations. Vega will parse a visualization specification to produce a JavaScript-based visualization, using either HTML Canvas or SVG rendering. Vega is particularly useful for creating programs that produce visualizations as output.
- Vega-Lite – A high-level visualization grammar that compiles concise specifications to full Vega specifications.
- Processing or p5.js – A popular Java-like graphics and interaction language and IDE. Processing has a strong user community with many examples. p5.js is a sister project in JavaScript.
- OpenFrameworks - an open-source C++ graphics library popular for video and media installations, similar approach to Processing.
- Leaflet – a popular open-source mapping library
- VTK – A scientific visualization library (C++ with wrappers for other languages)
- Plotly - built on top of D3, offers abstractions that enable building interactive visualizations very quickly with well-known charts.
- Bokeh - designed for high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets in web browsers. By Anaconda team.
- Tableau for Students – get a free Tableau license as a student
- Tableau Public – a free version of Tableau which publishes to the web
- GGplot2 – a graphics language for R
- Voyager –- web-based data exploration tools from UW’s Interactive Data Lab
- GGobi – classic system for visualizations of multivariate data
Tableau Resources
Tableau Training: Specifically the Getting Started video and Visual Analytics section. Most helpful when first getting off the ground.
Build-It-Yourself Exercises: Specifically, sections Build Charts and Analyze Data > Build Common / Advanced Chart Types, and Build Data Views From Scratch > Analyze Data are a good documentation resource.
Drawing With Numbers: blog with example walkthroughs in the Visualizations section, and Tableau Wiki has a bunch of useful links for the most common advanced exploratory / visualization Tableau techniques.
D3 Resources
Visualization Practitioners/Teams
Visualization Newsletters
- Data Is Plural weekly round up of interesting projects on the internet by BuzzFeed Data Editor-in-Chief
Visualization Podcasts
Visualization Blogs and Publishers
Data Sources
- NYC Open Data: data on NYC trees, taxis, subway, citibike, 311 calls, land lot use, etc.
- everything from hourly precipitation, fruit & vegetable prices, crime reports, to electricity usage.
- Dataset Search by Google Research: indexes public open datasets.
- Stanford Open Policing Dataset
- Physician Medicare Data
- Civil Rights Data Collection
- Data Is Plural newsletter’s Structured Archive: spreadsheet of public datasets ranging from curious to wide-reaching, e.g. “How often do Wikipedia editors edit?”, “Four years of rejected vanity license plate requests”
- Yelp Open Dataset
- U.S. Census Bureau: use their Discovery Tool
- US Health Data: central searchable repository of US health data (Center for Disease Control and National Center for Health Statistics), e.g. surveys on pregnancy, cause of death, health care access, obesity, etc.
- International Monetary Fund
- World Bank
- Integrated Census & Survey Data from around the World
- Federal Elections Commission: Campaign Finance & Expenditures
- Stanford Mass Shootings in America Project: data up to 2016, with pointers to alternatives
- USGS Earthquake Catalog
- Federal Aviation Administration
- FiveThirtyEight Data: Datasets and code behind
- ProPublica Data Store: datasets collected by ProPublica or obtained via FOIA requests, e.g. Chicago parking ticket data
- Machine Learning Repository - large variety of maintained data sets
- Socrata Open Data
- 17 places to find datasets for data science projects
- Awesome Public Datasets (github): topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets in public domains
- Open Syllabus: 6,059,459 syllabi